Professions and Trades

Understanding how to discuss professions and trades is crucial for navigating job markets and professional environments in Spanish-speaking contexts. This lesson provides essential vocabulary and phrases that are useful in employment and work-related discussions.

Professions and Trades

Common Professions

Médico - Doctor
Enfermero - Nurse
Ingeniero - Engineer
Abogado - Lawyer
Profesor - Teacher
Contador - Accountant
Arquitecto - Architect
Farmacéutico - Pharmacist
Dentista - Dentist
Psicólogo - Psychologist

Example Sentences:

Mi hermano es médico y trabaja en un hospital local.
(My brother is a doctor and works at a local hospital.)
La profesora de matemáticas es muy buena explicando conceptos difíciles.
(The math teacher is very good at explaining difficult concepts.)

Skilled Trades

Carpintero - Carpenter
Electricista - Electrician
Fontanero - Plumber
Mecánico - Mechanic
Albañil - Mason
Pintor - Painter
Jardinero - Gardener
Cerrajero - Locksmith
Soldador - Welder
Panadero - Baker

Example Sentences:

El carpintero está reparando los muebles de la cocina.
(The carpenter is repairing the kitchen furniture.)
Necesitamos un electricista para solucionar el problema de la luz.
(We need an electrician to fix the lighting issue.)

Useful Phrases for Employment

Job Seeking and Employment Discussions

¿Está contratando? - Are you hiring?
Estoy buscando trabajo. - I am looking for a job.
¿Cuál es el salario? - What is the salary?
¿Puedo enviar mi currículum? - Can I send my resume?
Tengo una entrevista mañana. - I have an interview tomorrow.

Example Sentences:

¿Está contratando para el puesto de ingeniero?
(Are you hiring for the engineer position?)
Estoy buscando trabajo como jardinero.
(I am looking for work as a gardener.)

Workplace Interactions

¿Dónde está la sala de reuniones? - Where is the meeting room?
Necesito hablar con recursos humanos. - I need to speak with human resources.
¿Cuándo es la próxima reunión? - When is the next meeting?
Estoy almorzando, regreso en una hora. - I am having lunch, I'll be back in an hour.

Example Sentences:

La sala de reuniones está al final del pasillo.
(The meeting room is at the end of the hallway.)
Tengo que entregar este informe a recursos humanos.
(I need to deliver this report to human resources.)