Numbers and Counting
Basic Numbers
Numbers 0-30
- 0 - Cero
- 1 - Uno (masculine), Una (feminine when counting)
- 2 - Dos
- 3 - Tres
- 4 - Cuatro
- 5 - Cinco
- 6 - Seis
- 7 - Siete
- 8 - Ocho
- 9 - Nueve
- 10 - Diez
- 11 - Once
- 12 - Doce
- 13 - Trece
- 14 - Catorce
- 15 - Quince
- 16-19 - Dieciséis, Diecisiete, Dieciocho, Diecinueve
- 20 - Veinte
- 21-29 - Veintiuno, Veintidós, Veintitrés, etc. (Note: Use "veintiún" before masculine nouns)
- 30 - Treinta
Tens (40-100)
- 40 - Cuarenta
- 50 - Cincuenta
- 60 - Sesenta
- 70 - Setenta
- 80 - Ochenta
- 90 - Noventa
- 100 - Cien
Composite Numbers (31-99)
To form numbers from 31-99, combine the tens and the corresponding units, connecting them with 'y' (and).
- Example:
31 - Treinta y uno
42 - Cuarenta y dos
58 - Cincuenta y ocho
Higher Numbers
- 100 - Cien
- 101-199 - Ciento uno, ciento dos, ...
- 200 - Doscientos (doscientas for feminine)
- 300 - Trescientos (trescientas for feminine)
- 400 - Cuatrocientos (cuatrocientas for feminine)
- 500 - Quinientos (quinientas for feminine)
- 600 - Seiscientos (seiscientas for feminine)
- 700 - Setecientos (setecientas for feminine)
- 800 - Ochocientos (ochocientas for feminine)
- 900 - Novecientos (novecientas for feminine)
- 1000 - Mil
- 2000 - Dos mil
- 100,000 - Cien mil
Large Numbers
- 1,000,000 - Un millón
- 2,000,000 - Dos millones
Saying Years
Years are typically pronounced by dividing them into hundreds.
- 1985 - Mil novecientos ochenta y cinco
- 2015 - Dos mil quince
- 2022 - Dos mil veintidós
Complex Numbers
Fractions require the numerator to be a cardinal number and the denominator an ordinal number, except for 'half' which is 'medio/a'.
- 1/2 - Un medio
- 1/3 - Un tercio
- 2/5 - Dos quintos
Decimals are expressed by reading the integer part followed by 'coma' and then the decimal digits individually.
- 3.14 - Tres coma catorce
Percentages are straightforward: the number followed by 'por ciento'.
- 25% - Veinticinco por ciento
Counting in Spanish
Basic Counting
Here's how you might use numbers in everyday contexts:
- Counting items:
Tengo tres manzanas. (I have three apples.)
- Discussing price:
Cuesta veinte euros. (It costs twenty euros.)
- Telling time:
Son las cuatro. (It's four o'clock.)