Imperative Mood

The imperative mood in Spanish, "El Imperativo", is used to give commands, make requests, or offer suggestions. This guide will explore how to construct and use the imperative in Spanish and provide examples for each scenario.


The imperative is formed differently depending on whether you are addressing "tú", "usted", "nosotros", or "vosotros". Each form has its own unique set of conjugations.

Uses of the Imperative

1. Direct Commands

Used to tell someone directly to do something (affirmative and negative forms).

Levántate temprano. (Get up early.)

2. Suggestions

Used to suggest actions to someone, including oneself (let’s...).

Tomemos un café. (Let's have a coffee.)

3. Offering Help or Polite Requests

Used to offer help or make polite requests.

How to Form the Imperative

For "tú" (Informal Singular)

  • Affirmative: Think of the third-person singular present form (he, she, it). For most verbs, just use that.

    Example: Comer -> Come (Eat!)

  • Negative: Simply put "no" before the tú form of the present subjunctive.

    Example: Comer -> No comas (Don't eat!)

For "usted" (Formal Singular)

  • Affirmative and Negative: Use the third-person singular of the present subjunctive. Add "no" for negative commands.

    Affirmative: Comer -> Coma (Eat!) Negative: Comer -> No coma (Don't eat!)

For "nosotros" (We)

  • Affirmative: Use the first-person plural of the present subjunctive.

    Example: Comer -> Comamos (Let's eat!)

  • Negative: Add "no" before the nosotros form of the present subjunctive.

    Example: Comer -> No comamos (Let's not eat!)

For "vosotros" (Informal Plural)

  • Affirmative: Change the infinitive ending: -ar verbs get -ad; -er and -ir verbs get -ed.

    Example: Comer -> Comed (Eat!)

  • Negative: Use "no" plus the vosotros form of the present subjunctive.

    Example: Comer -> No comáis (Don't eat!)

Common Irregular Verbs in the Imperative

Some verbs have irregular affirmative tú forms, which you need to memorize:

  • Ser (to be): Sé
  • Ir (to go): Ve
  • Saber (to know): Sabe
  • Salir (to leave): Sal
  • Hacer (to do/make): Haz
  • Tener (to have): Ten
  • Venir (to come): Ven
