
The Future tense in Spanish, known as "El Futuro", is used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future. Unlike in English, where "will" or "shall" is added to the verb, in Spanish, the future tense is formed by adding endings directly to the infinitive form of the verb. Here's how to understand and use it:


  1. Predictions or future events: The Future tense is used for actions that will occur in the future.

    Lloverá toda la semana.
    (It will rain all week.)

  2. Expressing uncertainty or supposition about the present: Sometimes, the Future tense is used to express conjectures, doubts, or suppositions about the present.

    ¿Quién será a la puerta?
    (Who could it be at the door?)


Regular Verb Formation

The key to forming the future tense is remembering that we use the entire infinitive form of the verb (-ar, -er, -ir) and add the following endings:

For all verbs (regardless of ending):

  • yo → verb + é
  • tú → verb + ás
  • él/ella/usted → verb + á
  • nosotros → verb + emos
  • vosotros → verb + éis
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes → verb + án

Examples with regular verbs:


  • hablaré, hablarás, hablará, hablaremos, hablaréis, hablarán


  • comeré, comerás, comerá, comeremos, comeréis, comerán


  • viviré, vivirás, vivirá, viviremos, viviréis, vivirán

Irregular Verbs

Some common verbs have irregular stems in the future tense, but they still use the same endings. Here are the most common ones:

  • DECIR → dir- (diré, dirás...)
  • HACER → har- (haré, harás...)
  • PODER → podr- (podré, podrás...)
  • PONER → pondr- (pondré, pondrás...)
  • QUERER → querr- (querré, querrás...)
  • SABER → sabr- (sabré, sabrás...)
  • SALIR → saldr- (saldré, saldrás...)
  • TENER → tendr- (tendré, tendrás...)
  • VENIR → vendr- (vendré, vendrás...)
  • VALER → valdr- (valdré, valdrás...)


Yo hablaré con ella mañana.
(I will talk with her tomorrow.)
comerás sushi en Japón.
(You will eat sushi in Japan.)
Ellos vivirán en una casa grande.
(They will live in a big house.)
