Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns in Spanish, or "Los Pronombres Reflexivos", are used to indicate that the subject of a sentence is also the object of the action. This guide will explain the essentials of reflexive pronouns in Spanish, including their forms and how to use them effectively in sentences.

Forms of Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns in Spanish correspond to each of the personal pronouns and are placed before the verb or attached to the end of infinitive forms and gerunds.

  • me (myself)
  • te (yourself, informal)
  • se (himself, herself, itself, yourself formal, themselves, yourselves formal)
  • nos (ourselves)
  • os (yourselves, informal in Spain)
  • se (themselves, yourselves plural informal outside of Spain)

Examples of Reflexive Pronouns

Using reflexive pronouns correctly is crucial for accurately describing everyday activities and personal care routines.

  • Me:

    Me lavo. (I wash myself.)
    Me veo en el espejo. (I see myself in the mirror.)

  • Te:

    Te levantas. (You get up.)
    Te peinas. (You comb your hair.)

  • Se (singular and plural):

    Se acuesta. (He/She goes to bed.)
    Se ponen contentos. (They become happy.)

  • Nos:

    Nos cepillamos los dientes. (We brush our teeth.)
    Nos miramos en el espejo. (We look at ourselves in the mirror.)

  • Os:

    Os vestís. (You all dress yourselves.)
    Os despertáis. (You all wake up.)

  • Se (formal or plural):

    Se hablan. (They talk to each other.)
    Se respetan. (They respect each other.)
