Colors are essential in any language for descriptions, discussions, and daily observations. This lesson covers the names of primary colors and their usage in Spanish.
Primary Colors
Learn the basic colors in Spanish, which form the foundation for more complex color descriptions.
List of Primary Colors
- Rojo - Red
- Azul - Blue
- Amarillo - Yellow
- Verde - Green
- Negro - Black
- Blanco - White
- Naranja - Orange
- Morado - Purple
- Rosa - Pink
- Gris - Gray
Example Sentences
- El tomate es rojo.
The tomato is red.
- El cielo es azul.
The sky is blue.
- Tengo un coche amarillo.
I have a yellow car.
Usage of Colors in Spanish
Colors can describe objects, feelings, and can also change form to agree with the gender and number of the nouns they describe.
Agreement of Colors
- Colors ending in -o have a feminine form ending in -a (e.g., rojo, roja).
- Colors that end in -e or a consonant do not change according to gender (e.g., verde, azul).
Example Sentences
- La camisa roja.
The red shirt.
- Los zapatos negros.
The black shoes.
- Una casa blanca.
A white house.
Colloquial Uses of Colors
Colors are often used metaphorically to express feelings or describe situations.
Example Sentences
- Estoy verde de envidia.
I am green with envy.
- Veo todo rojo cuando estoy enfadado.
I see everything in red when I am angry.