Articles in Spanish, or "Artículos", are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Understanding articles is crucial for building sentences and communicating effectively. This lesson covers the basics of using articles in Spanish, including their types and uses.
Spanish articles vary based on specificity (definite or indefinite) and number (singular or plural). They also agree in gender with the nouns they modify.
Types of Articles
Definite Articles (Specific)
Definite articles are used to talk about specific nouns. They translate to "the" in English.
- Singular: el (el libro - the book)
- Plural: los (los libros - the books)
- Singular: la (la mesa - the table)
- Plural: las (las mesas - the tables)
Indefinite Articles (Nonspecific)
Indefinite articles are used to talk about nonspecific nouns. They translate to "a," "an," or "some" in English.
- Singular: un (un libro - a book)
- Plural: unos (unos libros - some books)
- Singular: una (una mesa - a table)
- Plural: unas (unas mesas - some tables)
Using Articles in Sentences
Articles are used to modify nouns and must match in gender and number with the noun they describe.
El perro grande duerme. (The big dog sleeps.)
Common Mistakes
Omitting articles where they are necessary in Spanish, even if they are not used in English:
Example: I like apples. -> Me gustan las manzanas. (The apples.)
Using indefinite articles incorrectly with uncountable nouns:
Incorrect: Necesito un agua. (An water - Incorrect in Spanish for uncountable noun) Correct: Necesito agua. (I need water.)